A new Additional Central Assistance Scheme’ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna’ (RKVY) has been launched by the Government of India during the year 2007-08. Under this scheme, the need felt projects for horticulture development based on the district plans are proposed for approval by the State level Sanctioning Committee(SLSC) of RKVY as State Horticulture Plan for inclusion into Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna.The funds are received under two streams.
The farmer centric components covered under Stream-I & II under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna are as follows:
Establishment & Strengthening of Mushroom Units in Private sector
- Area Expansion
- New Plantation
- Replacement of old plantations
- Creation of water Resources
- On farm water management
- Protected cultivation
- Production of Planting material
- Popularization of organic farming
- Promotion of Integrated Pest Management
- Development of Beekeeping
- Mechanization of Horticulture
- Improvement of Plant/Soil health
- Transfer of Technology
- Women Empowerment
- On farm handling of fruits
Pattern of Assistance under Stream I&II of RKVY is as under:
Establishment & Strengthening of Mushroom Units
Private sector:
i) Establishment of small scale Mushroom house(20x12x10) handling 4 MT (400 Bags ) compost
ii) Installation of tools and Equipments in Mushroom house
iii) Assistance for procurement/ preparation of substrate upto 800 bags (8MT)
Area Expansion
A.New Plantation
i) Fruits (For three years)
Rs.22500/- per ha.
ii) Vegetables
Rs.13000/- per ha
iii) Floriculture
Rs.13000/- per 0.2 ha
iv) Aromatic plants
Rs.5000/- per ha
v) Medicinal Plants
Rs.13000/- per ha
B.Replacement of old plantations
Rs.15000/- per ha
Creation of water Resorces
i)Water harvesting from source to tank
Rs. 20,000/-per ha.
ii)Creation of Water Storage tanks (300 Cu.M.)
Rs.1,00,000/- per unit
iii) Tubewell/borewell
Rs. 12500/- per unit
On farm water management
i) Drip irrigation
Rs.25000/- per ha
ii) Sprinkler Irrigation
Rs.15000/- per ha
Protected cultivation
i) Low cost Green House
Rs.125/- per sq.m.
ii) Hi-tech Green House
Rs.325/- per sq.m.
iii) Shade net
Rs.14/- per sq.m.
iv) Anti hail net
Rs.500/- per tree
Production of Planting material
i) Establishment of small nursery
Rs.3,00,000/- per unit
Popularization of organic farming
Vermi-compost unit (30x8x2.5)
Rs.30,000/- per unit
Promotion of Integrated Pest Management
Insect traps, Sticky bands, Biopesticides etc.
Rs.1000/- per ha.
Development of Beekeeping
Supply of Bee colonies with hives
Rs.800/- per colony & hive
Mechanization of Horticulture
i) Manually operated equipments
Rs.1500/- per unit
ii) Power operated equipments
Rs.5000/- per unit
iii)Diesel engine
Rs.9000/- per unit
iv)Power Tiller
Rs.45000/- per unit
Improvement of Plant/Soil health
Use of micronutrients and Biofertilizers
Rs 1500/- per Ha.
Transfer of Technology
i) Training of farmers within state(7 days)
Rs.1500/- per farmer
ii) Training/Exposure visits of farmers (7 days) outside the State
Rs.2500/- per farmer
iii) One day farmers training camp(25 Farmers per camp)
Rs.1250 per camp
iv)Organization of Horticulture Fair/Exhibition
Rs.1,00,000/- per fair
Women Empowerment
i) Training of women farmers (5 days)
Rs. 1000 per farmer
ii) Seld Help Groups
Rs.5000/- per group
On farm handling of fruits
Supply of Plastic crates/ Kiltas/baskets
Rs. 2500/- per farmer