Government of Himachal Pradesh

Department of Horticulture



Department of Horticulture

Government of Himachal Pradesh

Spray Schedule


Spray Schedule for the Fungicides and Pesticides
S.No. Tree Stage Name of Chemical Quantity of Chemical for 200 L of water Control of Diseases Remarks
1. Green tip Captan or Dodine or Ziram Fluxapyroxad 75g/l + Difenconazole 50 g/l SC 600 gm 200 gm 600 (ml/gm) 60 ml Scab Scab/powdery mildew  
2. Pink bud Mancozeb* or Propineb or Difenoconazole 600 g 600g 30 ml Scab
3. Petal Fall/ Pea Stage Carbendazim or Thiophanate Methyl or Hexaconazole or Myclobutanil or Flusilazole 40% EC Tebuconazole 50% +Trifloxystrobin 25%WG or Tebuconazole 8% + Captan 32% SC or Boscalid 25.2% + Pyraclostrobin 12.8% w/w WG or Metrafenone 500 g/l SC Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP carbendazim 25% + Flusilazole 12.5% SC 100 gm 100 gm 100 ml 80 gm 500ml 80 gm 500 ml 50 gm 20 ml 500 gm 160 ml Scab Powdery mildew
Scab/powdery mildew
Alternaria leaf spot
4. Fruit development (walnut size) Mancozeb or Propineb or Dodine Metiram 55% + Pyraclostrobin 5%WG Tebuconazole 8% + Captan 32% SC or Fluxapyroxad 250 g/l + Pyraclostrobin 250 g/l 500 SC 600 gm or 600 gm 150 gm 200 gm 500 ml 20 ml Scab Alternaria leaf spot/ Blight/Pre mature leaf fall Alternaria leaf spot/ Premature leaf fall Do not spray Dodine if temperature is above 30°C and slow drying condition prevails.
5. Fruit development (20 days after 4th spray) Tebuconazole 50%+Trifloxystrobin 25% WG Propineb or Zineb Carbendazim 25% + Flusilazole 12.5% SC 80 g. 600 g. 600 g. 160 ml Premature leaf fall Scab Scab,Black rot Alternaria leaf spot/ Premature leaf fall
6. Pre-Harvest (20-25 days before harvest) Captan or Ziram Metiram 55%+ Pyraclostrobin 5%WG 600 g. 600 ml 200 g Scab /Fly speck/ Bitter rot Scab Alternaria leaf spot/ blight
7. After harvest Copper Oxychloride 600 gm Canker
Note :-
  1. This spray schedule is for normal weather conditions. 
  2. In case of heavy rains within 12 hours of spray, the spray is to be repeated within seven days.
  3. Do not use the same chemical,spray after spray.
  4. Pesticides should be sprayed when there are chances of diseases.
  5. Do not mix Dodine with other pesticides/chemicals.
  6. Do not mix any other pesticides /chemicals/micro-nutrient/growth regulator/hormone with the above recommended pesticides to avoid russeting and other disorders.In case there is necessity,these may be sprayed separately.
  7. The fallen leaves of apple should be collected and decomposed  in a compost pit or spray of 5% urea may be done on orchard floor on fallen leaves to ensure fast decomposition of infected leaves.
  8. Copper oxychloride although tested by Dr.Y.S.Parmar UHF Nauni and essentially required at the above stage of the tree but product is not registered with CIB &RC till date.
  9. Drench the basin area 3-4 times with Carbendazim or (0.1%) or Aureofungin (0.02%) + Copper Sulphate (0.02%) with the onset of rainy season in 15-20 cm deep holes around the tree basin, During winters, expose the root system of infected trees and cut the infected portion, and apply Bordeaux paint for the control of white root rot.
  10. Scarify wounds near collar region and apply Bordeaux  paint or any other Copper fungicide based paint during winter season. Drench the whole tree basin at a distance of 30 cm from tree trunk with mancozeb (0.3%) during rainy season, for the control of collar rot.
  11. In the high scab areas, 12-14 days interval should be maintained between the sprays upto primary scab stage i.e. fruit set.
Recommendations against Hail damage :-
  1. Spray 100 gm Carbendazim or 600 gm Mancozeb in 200 L of water immediately after hail.
  2. Spray 200 gm Boric acid + 500 gm Zinc Sulphate + 250 gm Quick lime in 200 L of water within 3-4 days of hail storm.
  3. After 10 to 12 days, a spray of micro-nutrients like Agromin, Multiplex or Microvit @ 400 to 600 g per 200 L of water is also recommended. Spray the hail affected apple orchard with 1 kg Urea in 200L of water.
Note :-
  1. The pesticides are proposed to be banned viz. Captan, Ziram, Mancozeb, Carbendazim, Thiophanate methyl, Zineb, Malathion & Chlorpyriphos by the Government vide Gazette Notification No. CG-DL-E-18052020-219423, Extraordinary Part-II- Section-3- Subsection (ii), dated 18th May 2020 regarding- Banning of Insecticides Order, 2020.


S.No. Tree Stage Name of Chemical Quantity of Chemical for 200 L of water Control of Pests
1. Half-inch Green Tip Horticultural Mineral Oil
4 lt Sanjose scale & mite
2. Pink Bud Thiacloprid 100 ml Thrips
3. Petal fall Spiromesifen or Hexythiazox
Oxy-demeton methyl


60 ml
200 ml
200 ml
200 ml
Mites Sanjose scale Aphid
4. Fruit development(Walnut size) Fenazaquin
or Propargite or Horticultural Mineral oil
50 ml

200 ml

2 lt.
5. Fruit development(20 days after
3rd spray)
200 ml
60 ml

6. Fruit development(20 days after 4th spray) Fenazaquin
50 ml.
200 ml
7. Pre harvest(20-25 days before harvest). Malathion

Oxy-Demeton Methyl
200 ml

200 ml

Sanjose scale
8. After Harvest
400 ml Woolly Apple Aphid
  1. Avoid repetition of same insecticided/ Acaricides.
  2. While spraying for the control of mites on the tree,also spray the basin area to ensure optimum control.
  3. Drench the basin area with Chlorpyriphos after harvesting @4ml /ltr of water for the control of woolly apple aphid and root borer.
  4.  Horticultural Mineral Oils are although tested by Dr.Y.S.Parmar UHF Nauni and essentially required for scale and mite pests but not registered till date by the CIB & RC.However,matter is under process.
  5. Minimum insecticidal spray should be given from April- June for the safety of Lady bird beetles,syrphid flies and other beneficial insects as most of useful insects are usually active during these months.
  6. Do not spray any other pesticides on open flowers to save pollinating insects.
S.No. Common Name Brand Names
A. Fungicides:  
1. Carbendazim 50 WP Dhanustin/Bavistin/Mavistin/Derosal/
2 Captan 50 WP Captaf/Dhanutan/Kohicap/Masstan/Captax/Capgold.
3. Copper oxychloride 50 WP Blitox/Fytolan/Masstox/Copter/Trucop/Riva
4. Dodine 65 WP  Superstar/Syllit/Himdin/Tohfa/Noor
5. Difenoconazole 25 EC Score/Scale/Dizole/Rubigan D/Karara
6. Metiram 55% +Pyraclostrobin 5% WG Cabrio Top 60WG
7. Hexaconazole 5EC Contaf/Hexzol /Sitara/Titan/Glow/Envil/Hexcon/Krizole
8. Mancozeb 75WP Indofil M-45/Dithane M-45/Mass M-45/Kohinoor M-45/Dhanuka M-45/Abic M-45/Emthane M-45/Uthane M-45/ Hindustan M-45/Gold M-45/Marlett M-45
9. Myclobutanil 10WP Systhane/Boon/Index/Grapple
10. Propineb 70WP Antracol/Aaroosh/Scale 70%WP
11. Thiophanate Methyl 70WP Roko /Topsin-M/Alert/Stop/Trust/Key
12. Zineb 75WP Indofil Z-78/Kanji
13. Ziram 27 SC Cuman L
14. Ziram 80% WP* IPL Ziram-80
15. Tebuconazole 50%+Trifloxystrobin 25%WG   Nativo 75WG
16. Tebuconazole 8% + Captan 32% SC Shamir
17. Fluxapyroxad 75g/l + Difenconazole 50 g/l SC Sercadis Plus 12.5 SC
18. Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP  SAAF
19. Boscalid 25.2% + Pyraclostrobin 12.8% w/w WG  Signum 38% WG
20. Metrafenone 500g/l SC  Acrisio 50 SC
21. Fluxapyroxad 250 g/l + Pyraclostrobin 250 g/l 500 SC   Merivon 50 SC
22. Flusilazole 40% EC   Cursor 40% EC
23. Carbendazim 25% + Flusilazole 12.5% SE   Lustre 37.5% SE
B. Insecticides,Acaricides and Spray oils:
1. Chlorpyriphos 20 EC Dursban/ Durmet /Danusban /Massban /Force / Tricel/ Navigator /Goldban
2. Fenazaquin 10EC Magister/Majestic
3. Hexythiazox 5.45% EC Maiden / Endurer
4. Malathion 50EC Cythion /Massthion
5. Oxy-demeton Methyl 25% EC Metasystox
6 Propargite 57EC Omite/Simba
7. Spiromesifen 22.9% SC Oberon
8. Horticultural Mineral oil Orchex 796/D-C-Tron Plus/ Arbofine /Orchol-13/Servo/MAK All Season/Hindustan Petroleum HMO/Rilso-999/Atso Supreme Oil/ Petro Star HMO/Balmerol Balspray HMO
 9.  Thiacloprid 21.7% SC Alanto