Government of Himachal Pradesh

Department of Horticulture


Every piece of content on the website comes with additional information called meta data, which includes details like where it came from and how long it's valid for. If we're not sure how long something should stay up, we'll set a default expiration date of ten years from now. Once something's past its expiration date, we won't show it on the website anymore.

Certain types of content, like announcements, tenders or job postings, are only shown on the website if they're still valid. For other things, like documents or forms, we need to regularly check if they're still accurate and up-to-date, based on our Content Review Policy.

When content reaches its expiration date, we need to archive it properly. Certain things like government forms or services that are no longer available should be removed entirely from the website. Different types of content have different rules about how they're added to and removed from the website, which are outlined in our Entry/Exit Policy and Archival Policy as enlisted below.

Sr. No.

Content Element

Entry Policy

Exit Policy


About Department

Whenever Department is merged/changed.

Perpetual (10 years) since date of entry into archival.


Pest & Diseases

As soon as it loses relevance.

Every year.



Discontinuation of Programme / Schemes for Central and State Schemes or both.

Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.



As soon as it loses relevance.

Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.


Tender & Quotations

As soon as it loses relevance.

Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.



As soon as it loses relevance.

Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.



Discontinuation of Policy by Government - Central/State

Perpetual (10 years) since date of entry into archival.



Issued through the gazette / Passed by the Central or State Government

Perpetual (10 years) to be always available in the acts/rules database.



As soon as it loses relevance.

Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.


Documents /Annual Reports

Completion of its validity period.

Perpetual (10 years) since date of entry into archival.


What’s New

As soon as it loses relevance.

Automatically after the expiry of the validity period.



As soon as it loses relevance.

Automatically after the expiry of the validity period.


Division Contents

As soon as it loses relevance.

Five (05) years since date of discontinuation.


Tenders, Vacancy, OMs, Schemes, Gazette Notifications - It is removed from website manually in 5 years but we keep records in Content Management System.