Recruitments in Department Of Horticulture
Employment notice for Person with Disability (Hearing Impairment)
EOI for the procurement of Individual Consultants- Procurement Specialists-I & II (for DOH-PIU/PMU) and Procurement Specialists -I & II (for PIU-JSV)
Result of Asstt. Finance Manager, M.A Procurement & Farm Manager under HPHDP
Advertisement for hiring of staff under HPHDP
Appointment list of Horticulture Development Officers 2019
Appointment list of Horticulture Extension Officers on contract basis 2019
Recruitment for the post of Horticulture Extension Officers 2019-20
Appointment list of Horticulture Extension Officers on contract basis (Batch wise) 2019-20
Recruitment for the posts of Junior Technician 2019-20
Advertisement for recruitment of employees under HP Horticulture Development Project 2020-21
Appointment order of drivers
Result of Technical Facilitator under HPHDP
Result of Farm Manager under HPHDP
Recruitment and posting of Farm Manager under HPHDP
Recruitment and posting of Technical Facilitator under HPHDP (1)